My family and I go to the park every Saturday morning.
All it really means is that a family that spends time together will have a close bond and a lasting relationship. It is often said a family that plays together stays together. However now one can insert anything for “prays”. It was originally a family that prays together stays together.
Mary looks exactly like her father, right down to her nose, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
This proverb can be used to describe anything that is similar between either parent and child. It can also refer to children looking just like their parents do. Children tend to talk like their parents, eat what their parents eat, and like what their parent like. Means that children behave like their parents. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Skype English Lesson with a native AMERICAN or BRITISH teacher ›› 6.
My mother and I both love to eat apple pie, and whenever my dad sees me eat it, he says like mother like daughter.
Billy gets into the same kind of trouble his father did when he was his age.
There is also a very similar saying, “ like mother like daughter”, and this means the same thing. Little boys will mimic their dad’s and into adulthood certain behavior will be very similar. This is something that can be seen from a young age. Means that a son’s character is likely to closely resemble his father’s.
Even though it had been 10 years since Sally had been back to her parent’s house, when she walked in the door it immediately felt like home.
Most adults have some place in their mind that they think of as their “home” It may be the same city they live in now, the city where they grew up, the house where their parent’s live, or the place where they are raising their family. This is usually whereever someone’s family is, or where they grew up. Means that home is not necessarily the building that you live in, but it is where you most want to be.
James may have barely gotten by, but he would have made any sacrifice to see his children succeed.
Whereas, on the other hand, a wealthy man may rely on his wealth for his legacy. A poor man has no choice but to put everything he has (all his hopes and dreams) into his children. Through them his name and hopes will carry on. Means that a poor man finds wealth through his children, partially because they bring him joy, and also because they are his legacy.
Don’t be so surprised that your friends left you, you know you can always rely on family.
Top 100 FAMILY Quotes | Short Family Love Quotes To Be Thankful For